
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Six Sentence Sunday - Episode Eight

Last week, we left Lewis wondering if perhaps Lilly does remember...Something...

I'm at a dog trial this weekend  (see the "Me" tab on this blog to find out what that's all about!) so won't be able to comment on all the other great authors' Six Sentences until Monday. 

You should head over to the Six Sentence Sunday site to see who's taking part this week.  Or why not participate yourself?  Sign up from Tuesday pm, post your six from any WIP or finished piece before 9 a.m. on the following Sunday and voila, you're part of the fun SSS family!

I turned away. “Should I wrap those filets for you?”
“Um. Sure.” 
“How many?” 
Three. One of her parent’s friends? Or a boyfriend? I wrapped the steaks. My hands were clumsy, fingers sticking to the tape.
Happy reading!


  1. I like that she's wondering who the 3rd steak is for! Very interesting!

  2. Very teasing dialog. Hope I get more next week. Great six. Happy Easter!

  3. Hmm, who is that steak for? Greta six!

  4. his clammy hands gave it away lol

  5. Excellent teaser. Who is that extra steak for, indeed?

  6. Great snippet! Who is the steak for? Looking forward to reading more.

  7. As long as they get the fingers unstuck from the tape by the time they cook the steaks, all should be cool.


  8. Oh, man, every week, just a little more... When do we get to find out?

  9. Stop with the teasing and give us the whole story. This six a week is a killer

  10. Lovely six--this story continues to intrigue.

  11. Great imagery.

    Well done!

    All my best,
    Allure Van Sanz

  12. I love the simplicity of this. Little written, but a lot said. Nice!

  13. Thanks everyone! I do hope this beast gets out there someday, otherwise, it'll take years to read six sentences at a time :)

    I have one teeny little scene to write to finish the draft, but it's eluding me like the sun in April. Sooooo hard to get to the end!

  14. It sounds pretty interesting. The first six you use are interesting. Is that from your book?

    Draven Ames

  15. Thanks Jayel! Draven, yes, from RESET my first (and only :) completed work, now in revision AGAIN LOL.
